Is MIT Technology Review Worth It?
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All MIT alumni get a free subscription to Technology Review.
Do you love reading Technology Review and Scientific American each month. Get an excellent overview of new technology and scientific discoveries with those two subscriptions, one being free.
Yes, it is well worth the money to subscribe to the monthly Technology Review.
(Alumni get an edition that has a lengthy alumni insert.)
What is MIT Technology Review
The mission of MIT Technology Review is to bring about better-informed and more conscious decisions about technology through authoritative, influential, and trustworthy journalism.
All MIT alumni are eligible to receive a complimentary DIGITAL + PRINT subscription to MIT Technology Review.
In the My Account section of the their website, you can select whether you’d like to receive your subscription to the magazine in both digital and print, or in digital only. Navigate to the setting for subscriptions and make your selections.
To receive the print magazine, you must have provided an up-to-date postal address to the MIT Alumni Association. You can easily make updates to your address online in the My Account section.
To go paperless, simply change your alumni subscription to digital-only by visiting the MIT Alumni Association website.
Is MIT Technology Review Worth It?
As a media historian, we have found a lots of interesting and useful information in this publication.
Agreed, folks who have attended MIT Technology Review will especially enjoy reading it, but you don’t have to be an alumnus or alumna to be impressed with what’s in the MIT Technology Review.
This publication has a long history— it has been around in one version or other for more than 120 years, covering all aspects of technology (new inventions, the latest trends, current controversies, etc); as someone who is not an engineer or a scientist, nor an MIT graduate, we appreciate how readable and informative the articles are.
In other words, while the Review covers technology thoroughly, the writers generally avoid jargon and strive to be interesting.
We think you will find their publication worth your time (and money).